Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thoughts on Entropy and Evolution

Physical laws (thermodynamics) assert that entropy increases -- we go from neatness to messiness over time. However, that is contradicted when it comes to life forms and the things they create. It's kind of my operational definition of a life form -- any phenomenon in the universe that self-induces movement against entropy. The only stuff like that which we know of so far is here on Earth. Ok, where am I going with this? Well, the idea is kind of recursive when it comes to humans (and perhaps any other intelligent life forms). Intelligence evolved to in fact do this better and at scale. Now, there are unintended consequences to this, where someone's decrease in entropy is an increase for someone else -- e.g. externalizing pollution, anthropogenic climate change, etc. What we might need to do is to figure out how to optimize this at all levels of human groupings. All we've managed to do heretofore is settle it by conflict, rather than thoughtful optimization. Maybe the objective functions suggested above can be derived from that kind of thinking, fueled by detailed, even quantitative, analyses based on all the science we know. [Aside: kind of has a religious tint to it as well since religions, at least in their origins, have been attempts to do this, but then hijacked, co-opted, instead by concentrations of power over others.] The tools, technology, institutions, etc., that humanity creates should be consistent with what makes the best sense in that kind of framework.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Initial Musings about Entropy, Life, and Civilization

A fundamental law of the universe is that things tend toward a maximum state of disorder - entropy. An operational definition of any life form is some phenomenon that "momentarily" counteracts that through self-directed action.

Now, one life form's self-directed action can accelerate another's level of entropy (e.g. lion eats gazelle, invasive plants taking over environments, etc.). Humans have found ways to do this in very magnified ways both within and outside their species - to such an extent, it'll be carved into the geologic record as the anthropocene. Key to enduring survival of the human species is how to optimally manage the externalities, unintended consequences, and the like of how entropy is redistributed in the name of human self interest. Optimistic view is that current levels of knowledge and technology can be appropriately applied at a meta level to solve it. Willingness and cooperation are all that's needed.

Why do the greatest civilizational influencers in the history of the world eventually arrive at a point with idiots running them? Pax Romana, Pax Britannica, and Pax Americana all seem to have degenerated after upgrading the world. Is it a natural human pattern?
