Monday, April 5, 2021

Do Life Cycles Accelerate Entropy in the Long Run?

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Thermodynamic dissipation theory for the origin of life


Friday, April 2, 2021

Consider fractal layers, from basic living components through civilizational structures.

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Reference Collection

Entropy: The Hidden Force That Complicates Life

Entropy: The Hidden Force That Complicates Life

Natural selection for least action

Thermodynamic dissipation theory for the origin of life

The potential for detecting ‘life as we don't know it’ by fractal complexity analysis

Into the Cool

The Common Extremalities in Biology and Physics
Maximum Energy Dissipation Principle in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Evolution

TED: David Christian: "The history of our world in 18 minutes"

The Many Worlds of Quantum Mechanics

By Sean Carroll


One of the great intellectual achievements of the twentieth century was the theory of quantum mechanics, according to which observational results can only be predicted probabilistically rather than with certainty. Yet, after decades in which the theory has been successfully used on an everyday basis, most physicists would agree that we still don't truly understand what it means. I will talk about the source of this puzzlement, and explain why an increasing number of physicists are led to an apparently astonishing conclusion: that the world we experience is constantly branching into different versions, representing the different possible outcomes of quantum measurements. This could have important consequences for quantum gravity and the emergence of spacetime.


Sean Carroll is a Research Professor of theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology and External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He received his Ph.D. in 1993 from Harvard University. His research focuses on fundamental physics and cosmology, quantum gravity and spacetime, and the evolution of entropy and complexity. He is the author of several books, most recently Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime. He has been awarded prizes and fellowships by the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Sloan Foundation, the Packard Foundation, the American Physical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the Royal Society of London, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the host of the weekly Mindscape podcast.


fractal complexity => low entropy => life probability

The low entropy v. life correlation has been rattling around in my mind for a long while now, and happy to find I'm not the only one ( A paper I stumbled upon also derives a possible methodology applying this idea to assess the probability of extraterrestrial life forms, or indications of their past existence ( [note mention of the Mars orbital camera too]. The techniques describe spatial analyses, so got me wondering if this technique could also be applied to temporal observations on exoplanets -- perhaps needing various time series spanning multiple earth years, but still feasible. For example, if a far off observer of Earth could detect changes in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere following curves of fractal dimension greater than a "natural" process background, it could indicate the existence of an ordering process, something living, namely the collective effects of our civilization. More advanced civilizations might also have more pronounced fractal signatures, easier to detect. Thoughts?
